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EShip Academy

eShip Academy

Last Thursday, Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique Professor Manuela Batista presented an eShip case study in Aalesund (Norway) as an example of cooperation between enterprises and research institutions in the Workshop organized by Department of Marine Technology (IMT) -…

Trend Monitor

eShip Market Trend Monitor

Risk and Return Trend. It is absolutely key to manage risk versus return parameters in the fast-moving shipping markets that commonly display high levels of volatility, arising from rapidly-changing freight / daily hire rates. Volatility is a measure of the…


eShips’ Ideas

eShip is more than just pure software, given it's commercial shipping experience and general industry orientation (aided by a deep understanding of what drives the charterer's mindset) Photo: Unsplash


eShip in Press

The president of the Port of Sines considered the nautical school an important partner in the "internationalization process" of national ports, and eShip, as "an extremely interesting project". He stressed that the new logistics reality of the 21st century involves…

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