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eShip Stand Up Test

Already started eShip stand up test to validate Business Scenarios at Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique (ENIDH).Find out more about this innovative approach at "Education for the Digital Industry: Opportunities and Challenges of Experience-Based Expertise and Open Innovation" (2021). DOI:10.4018/978-1-7998-6985-6.ch024 At the photo is…

EShip Trend Monitor

eShip Market Trend Monitor

Reducing input costs across key marine business processes such as trade facilitation, port operations and shipping connectivity can drive enhanced returns.


eShips’ Ideas

The roots of the eShip model originate from an industry collaboration with the leading name in a prominent bulk shipping sector which, in itself, serves to create a shipping marketplace comparative advantage. Photo: Unsplash


eShip in Press

António Belmar da Costa was one of the main figures of the 'Digital Transition in Shipping' conference, held by ENIDH and the software company eShip - AGEPOR's executive director addressed the digital revolution underway in the world of logistics and…

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