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eShip at United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC)

To find new solutions for sustainability there is a need to work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. Trends presented at One Sustainable Ocean - Ocean Science & Business2Sea by (EMREP, SeaRubbish2Cap, ComAp, CAT Weather, Faroboats, Flying Sharks,…


eShip at United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC)

Your Excellence Norwegian Embassy in Lisbon, Tove Bruvik Westberg opened “Blue Business and Innovation for a Sustainable Use of the Ocean”, one of the side events of “One Sustainable Ocean” joint initiative organized by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Fórum Oceano, Fundação para a Ciência e…


eShip at United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC)

eShip is proud to have been part of United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) 2022, 27 June to 1 July 2022, Lisbon, Portugal together with José Maria Costa (República Portuguesa - XXIII Governo Estado Mar) ,Tove Bruvik Westberg  (Norwegian Embassy in Lisbon), Susana Ramos (EEA Grants…

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